- How to be a wise optimist about science and technology? 2024-12-01
- Notes on Existential Risk from Artificial Superintelligence 2023-09-18
- A Vision of Metascience: An Engine of Improvement for the Social Processes of Science (Michael Nielsen and Kanjun Qiu) 2022-10-18
- Notes on Effective Altruism 2022-06-02
- Cosmos: working notes, 1 2022-02-16
- The trouble in comparing different approaches to science funding (Michael Nielsen and Kanjun Qiu) 2022-02-09
- Maps of Matter 2021-02-01
- How can we develop transformative tools for thought? (Andy Matuschak and Michael Nielsen) 2019-10-03
- Quantum Country (Andy Matuschak and Michael Nielsen) 2019-03-19
- Science is getting less bang for its buck (Patrick Collison and Michael Nielsen) 2018-11-15
- Augmenting Long-term Memory 2018-07-05
- Using Artificial Intelligence to Augment Human Intelligence (Shan Carter and Michael Nielsen) 2017-12-04
- Thought as a Technology 2017-11-29
- Magic Paper 2017-11-05
- Toward an Exploratory Medium for Mathematics 2016-02-28
- Reinventing Explanation 2014-01-31
- Neural Networks and Deep Learning 2013-11-25
- The Artist and the Machine 2013-02-06
- Lisp as the Maxwell's equations of software 2012-04-11
- If correlation doesn't imply causation, then what does? 2012-01-23
- Reinventing Discovery: the New Era of Networked Science 2011-10-23
- Massively collaborative mathematics (Tim Gowers and Michael Nielsen) 2009-10-15
- Is Scientific Publishing About to Be Disrupted? 2009-06-29
- Doing Science Online 2009-01-26
- The future of science 2008-07-17
- The geometry of quantum computation (Mark R. Dowling and Michael A. Nielsen) 2006-12-31
- Quantum computation as geometry (Michael A. Nielsen, Mark R. Dowling, Mile Gu, and Andrew C. Doherty) 2006-03-19
- Optimal control, geometry, and quantum computing (Michael A. Nielsen, Mark R. Dowling, Mile Gu, and Andrew C. Doherty) 2006-03-19
- Noise thresholds for optical cluster-state quantum computation (Christopher M. Dawson, Henry L. Haselgrove, and Michael A. Nielsen) 2006-01-11
- Noise thresholds for optical quantum computers (Christopher M. Dawson, Henry L. Haselgrove, and Michael A. Nielsen) 2005-09-09
- The Fermionic canonical commutation relations and the Jordan-Wigner transform 2005-07-29
- Algebraic and information-theoretic conditions for operator quantum error correction (Michael A. Nielsen and David Poulin) 2005-06-09
- The Solovay-Kitaev algorithm (Christopher M. Dawson and Michael A. Nielsen) 2005-05-06
- Cluster-state quantum computation 2005-04-13
- Quantum computing and polynomial equations over the finite field Z2 (Christopher M. Dawson, Henry L. Haselgrove, Andrew P. Hines, Duncan Mortimer, Michael A. Nielsen, and Tobias J. Osborne) 2004-08-20
- Distance measures to compare real and ideal quantum processes (Alexei Gilchrist, Nathan K. Langford, and Michael A. Nielsen) 2004-08-10
- Fault-tolerant quantum computation with cluster states (Michael A. Nielsen and Christopher M. Dawson) 2004-05-23
- Simulating Hamiltonian dynamics using many-qudit Hamiltonians and local unitary control (Michael J. Bremner, Dave Bacon, and Michael A. Nielsen) 2004-05-20
- Interesting problems: The Church-Turing-Deutsch Principle 2004-04-16
- Optical quantum computation using cluster states 2004-02-02
- Extreme Thinking 2003-09-07
- Fungible dynamics: There are only two types of entangling multiple-qubit interactions (Michael J. Bremner, Jennifer L. Dodd, Michael A. Nielsen, and Dave Bacon) 2003-07-21
- Simple Rules for a Complex Quantum World 2002-11-01
- An introduction to majorization and its applications to quantum mechanics (draft of a book) 2002-10-18
- Universal simulation of Hamiltonian dynamics for quantum systems with finite-dimensional state spaces (Michael A. Nielsen, Michael J. Bremner, Jennifer L. Dodd, Andrew M. Childs, and Christopher M. Dawson) 2002-05-31
- Entanglement, quantum phase transitions, and density matrix renormalization (Tobias J. Osborne and Michael A. Nielsen) 2001-09-05
- Universal quantum computation and simulation using any entangling Hamiltonian and local unitaries (Jennifer L. Dodd, Michael A. Nielsen, Michael J. Bremner, and Robert T. Thew) 2001-06-12
- Majorization and the interconversion of bipartite states (Michael A. Nielsen and Guifré Vidal) 2001-05-28
- Separable states are more disordered globally than locally (Michael A. Nielsen and Julia Kempe) 2000-11-30
- Quantum Computation and Quantum Information (Michael A. Nielsen and Isaac L. Chuang) 2000-10-01
- Characterizing mixing and measurement in quantum mechanics 2000-08-16
- Conditions for a class of entanglement transformations 1998-11-20
- Complete quantum teleportation using nuclear magnetic resonance (Michael A. Nielsen, Emanuel Knill, and Raymond Laflamme) 1998-11-08
- Quantum information theory (PhD dissertation) 1998-08-15
- Programmable Quantum Gate Arrays (M. A. Nielsen and Isaac L. Chuang) 1997-03-18
- Information transmission through a noisy quantum channel (Howard Barnum, Michael A. Nielsen, and Benjamin Schumacher) 1997-02-26
- Quantum data processing and error correction (Benjamin Schumacher and M. A. Nielsen) 1996-10-01